Will a AsynchronousCluster using Spring AMQP Terminal also need Executor and a concurrency policy

Will a AsynchronousCluster using Spring AMQP Terminal also need Executor and a concurrency policy ?

My understanding is that it should not, basically the messaging sending will be delegated to RabbitMQ and from there on Axon will not have any control.

I found the documentation a little confusing on this topic, just needed some clarification.



when using the Spring AMQP Terminal, there is not always a need to use the AsynchronousCluster. The AMQP connector already allows for async processing. Using a SimpleCluster is typically enough. However, if you need more finegrained control over which events need to be handled sequentially, you can use an AsyncCluster to do that. And if you do, that cluster needs an Executor and concurrency policy.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for the suggestion, worked well for me.