Using the Event Bus and Event Store independently of the rest of Axon framework

Hi Allard,

Is it possible to use the Event Bus and Event Store independently of the rest of Axon framework? By independently I mean I don’t want my entities to extend a parent class and I don’t want to use the Axon repositories.

Is that possible and what are the limitations?


Yes, it’s possible. The only limitation is that you don’t have any of the advantages the framework will give you.
When appending events to the event store, you’ll have to make sure the sequence numbers are correct, yourself. But that shouldn’t be hard to do.



Thanks Allard. Is there any code examples that show how to work with an event store directly without a repository?

The documentation at assume yu are using a repository to publish events and store them in the store.

Hi Sherif,

since it’s not the intended use of Axon, it’s not mentioned explicitly in the documentation. I don’t have any examples eather. Unless you count all the Axon core code as an example…

