Used entityManager in command dispatch interceptors

Hello everyone,

I’m using Axon 4.3 with JPA/Spring.
I want to inject entityManager in my interceptor, so i used ContainerManagedEntityManagerProvider in my configuration. but i have this error when i run my application

Parameter 0 of method configureCommandBus in AxonConfig required a bean of type ‘org.axonframework.springboot.util.jpa.ContainerManagedEntityManagerProvider’ that could not be found.

Consider defining a bean of type ‘org.axonframework.springboot.util.jpa.ContainerManagedEntityManagerProvider’ in your configuration.

public class AxonConfig {

public CommandBus configureCommandBus(org.axonframework.springboot.util.jpa.ContainerManagedEntityManagerProvider containerManagedEntityManagerProvider) {
CommandBus commandBus = SimpleCommandBus.builder().build();
new CatalogDispatchInterceptor(containerManagedEntityManagerProvider.getEntityManager()));
return commandBus;


public class CatalogDispatchInterceptor implements MessageDispatchInterceptor<CommandMessage<?>> {

private final EntityManager entityManager;

public CatalogDispatchInterceptor(EntityManager entityManager) {
this.entityManager = entityManager;

public BiFunction<Integer, CommandMessage<?>, CommandMessage<?>> handle(
List<? extends CommandMessage<?>> messages) {
return (index, command) -> {
(CreateCatalogCommand.class.isInstance(command.getPayloadType())) { }
return command;


Hi Eriksen,

If you are relying on the JpaAutoConfiguration to create the ContainerManagedEntityManagerProvider, it would be better to expect a bean of type EntityManagerProvider instead.
Stating this as the JpaAutoConfiguration does the following:

public EntityManagerProvider entityManagerProvider() {
return new ContainerManagedEntityManagerProvider();

So, it returns an EntityManagerProvider, not a ContainerManagedEntityManagerProvider.
Could be wrong with my assumption here, but I am relatively confident Spring will see the former here as the thing to wire instead of the latter.

If this does not resolve your problem, then you are dealing with a spring ordering issue.
Might help to also add the JpaAutoConfiguration to you @AutoConfigureAfter annotation in that case.

Hoping this helps you further Aymen!


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