Unable to find saga and Basic queries on Saga repository

I have a basic query on saga repository, when the saga will actually persist in repository and available for other processing like event,command handlers.
I assume saga will persist after the @StartSaga event handler method is processed irrespective of any command fired with in method or will it wait till the command handler method is completed. Please correct me.

I have latency issue, where the saga repository is not available for other processing.
My requirements is i have 3 jms message listeners and these messages will come one after the other with gap of 10 milli seconds.
Second and Third messages are depend on First, which will check whether saga is created and active before processing the actual message.
Responsibility of First message is to create Aggregate and create Saga instance, in @StartSaga event method there is no much processing logic it just fires another command to process another saga event.

My issue is before First message create the saga Second and Third message are received and they are not able to find the saga in the repository and message are getting failed.

What is the best way to cater this issue to make saga is available for other messages which are coming with short gap of time.

I am using InMemorySagaRepository and also tried oracle jpa saga repository, also tried async saga and using simple command bus.


this is a know issue. It will be fixed soon.
The issue is that a saga cannot be found for the second event in certain circumstances. Mainly when two events are received for the same saga instance in a very short timeframe.



Fyi, this issue is recorded under AXON-194: http://issues.axonframework.org/youtrack/issueMobile/AXON-194

Thanks Allard for quick reply.

When can we expect this fix, as we are looking for alternate approach to accept the subsequent messages and hold it for some time till saga is created kind of thing, if this issue fixes soon then we will wait for fix.



the fix is relatively simple, and shouldn’t take much time. Depending on other work I need to do, I will be able to release this fix during next week, or maybe the week after.

You say you have tried “Async saga”. Do you mean you have used the AsyncSagaManager? That implementation should not have this problem, as far as I can see.

