Testing exception thrown inside aggregate using aggregate fixture

If I have an event handler like:

    fun on(event: MonthEndedEvent) {
        if (currentBalance != event.endBalance) {
            throw EndBalanceDoesNotMatchCurrentBalanceException(
                ledgerId = event.ledgerId,

How can I test that it was thrown and has the correct message?

I tried something like:

            ledgerId = ledgerId,
            endBalance = mismatchedBalance,
    .expectException(MessageHandlerInvocationException::class.java) // Expect wrapper exception
        Matchers.predicate<Exception> {
           it.cause is EndBalanceDoesNotMatchCurrentBalanceException

But does not produce the desired result.

Hi Miguel,

This type of validation should occur in the command handler for the EndMonthCommand (event sourcing handlers should only set/update the aggregate state); try moving it there and throw an exception if validation fails.

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You are 100% correct. And I actually knew that… Brain fart I guess…

But I still have a doubt on how I validate the exception message.

                    ledgerId = ledgerId,
                    endBalance = mismatchedBalance,
                Matchers.predicate<EndBalanceDoesNotMatchCurrentBalanceException> {
                    it.message == "Expected exception message"

throws error:

Expected <[matches a given predicate]>,
 but got <details [null]>.

I assume it’s something very basic, but not clear on what.

Thank you.

Short answer - validate the message using expectExceptionMessage(String).

Slightly longer answer - “exception details” is something that is used when you have a distributed application scenario; when a command handler in one process receives a command from a client running in another process, any exceptions that are thrown must be of type CommandExecutionException, wherein you can provide your custom details to serialize & send back to the client.

Say you’re performing “balance” validation as in your case; in the non-distributed scenario you could simply throw the EndBalanceDoesNotMatchCurrentBalanceException; in the distributed scenario you’d have to do something like the following:

// in the command handler.
if (currentBalance != event.endBalance) {
 throw EndBalanceDoesNotMatchCurrentBalanceException(
    ledgerId = event.ledgerId,

// elsewhere in the aggregate class.
public void handle(EndBalanceDoesNotMatchCurrentBalanceException ex) {
 throw new CommandExecutionException(
  "An error occurred during command handling",
  // these are the exception details to possibly validate.


That makes perfect sense.
Thank you so much for the explanation. This framework keeps amazing with its complexity. :slight_smile:

Keep up the good work.

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