Support for Spring Boot 3 as META-INF/spring.factories is no longer supported


I ran into a problem trying to use Axon Framework v4.6.1 with Spring Boot 3.0.0-RC1. It appears that Spring Boot as of 3.0.0 M5 discontinued support for spring.factories in favor of META-INF/spring/org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports. axon-spring-boot-autoconfigure-4.6.1.jar file still uses META-INF/spring.factories file, so the auto-configuration functionality is no longer working.

Would appreciate ideas for a workaround too!

Thank you!

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Hi Oleg,

We are aware of potential problems, and hope to have them fixed in 4.7.0. So far we haven’t looked in depth, but there is this issue you can keep track of.

Thank you @Gerard! I will keep an eye on the issue and look forward to trying 4.7.0.
