Subscription queries in Sagas

in the below SagaEventHandler i invok an external system, in the case of succes i send the command ConfirmConfirmPayer to save the result in the data base

class PTSProcess {

    @SagaEventHandler(associationProperty = "externalId")
    fun handle(event: ConfirmPayerRequested) {
        SagaLifecycle.associateWith("externalId", event.externalId.asReference())

        (payerConnector.callWebService( payerConnector.defaultUri, jAXBElement) as JAXBElement<ConfirmPayer10Response>).toMono()
            .doOnError( { logger.error("error : $it") }
            .doOnError( { logger.error("error : $it") }
            .doOnSuccess {

in the below EventHandler i saved the result in the data base and i emited the saved object

    fun on(event: ConfirmPayerConfirmed) {
        val confirmPayerRs = mapping.confirmPayerConfirmedToConfirmPayerRs(event)
	    emitter.emit(, { it.externalId == externalId }, confirmPayerRs)

in the below saga i send the command RequestConfirmPayer (that invokes the event ConfirmPayerRequested), then i use subscriptionQuery to get the saved object in the data base

class PayerProcess {

    @SagaEventHandler(associationProperty = "requestNumber")
    fun handle(event: PaymentConfirmed) {
        SagaLifecycle.associateWith("requestNumber", event.requestNumber.asReference())

        val confirmPayerRs = commandGateway.send<Status<ExternalId>>(
            RequestConfirmPayer(externalId = ExternalId(), keyValues = it.keyValues)


    private fun getProjectionProducedByConfirmPayerId(externalId: ExternalId): Mono<ConfirmPayerRs> {
        return queryGateway.subscriptionQuery(GetConfirmPayer(externalId), ResponseTypes.instanceOf(, ResponseTypes.instanceOf(
        ).flatMap { queryResult -> queryResult.updates().next().timeout(Duration.ofSeconds(20)).doFinally { queryResult.close() }}

the problem is that i have this error Did not observe any item or terminal signal within 20000ms in 'next'


Dispatched messages: [PaymentConfirmed]
Incoming message: [PaymentConfirmed]
Dispatched messages: [RequestConfirmPayer]
Incoming message: [RequestConfirmPayer]
[RequestConfirmPayer] executed successfully with a [Ok] return value

the below log is displayed when the 20s are done, i tried to change it, but alwas this log is displayed when the duration of the timeout is done

EventListener [AnnotatedSaga] failed to handle event [0a9fd626-68d9-46c9-934c-74e43888836f] ( Continuing processing with next listener

reactor.core.Exceptions$ReactiveException: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: Did not observe any item or terminal signal within 20000ms in ‘next’ (and no fallback has been configured)

[PaymentConfirmed] executed successfully with a [null] return value
Dispatched messages: [ConfirmPayerRequested]
Incoming message: [ConfirmPayerRequested]

Try to change block by subscribe

 val confirmPayerRs = commandGateway.send<Status<ExternalId>>(
            RequestConfirmPayer(externalId = ExternalId(), keyValues = it.keyValues)