Snapshotter using spring annotation config returns NullPointerException

I’m trying to migrate the spring xml configuration to annotated way and facing this issue once the thread pool executor calls the snapshotter. Not sure why it happens as it worked well with spring xml configuration.

Pls help me in resolving this since I’m stuck for a long time due to Nullpointer exception from framework.

Exception stacktrace while snapshotter executes is as follows,

2939 [taskExecutor-1] DEBUG org.hibernate.loader.Loader - Result row:
2939 [taskExecutor-1] TRACE org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicExtractor - Found [034ddfde-ddf3-4fb4-95d6-fb5974b3ed77] as column [col_0_0_]
2939 [taskExecutor-1] TRACE org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicExtractor - Found [5ee497d1-49f9-4e7c-a876-48cd499ebc89] as column [col_1_0_]
2939 [taskExecutor-1] TRACE org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicExtractor - Found [16] as column [col_2_0_]
2939 [taskExecutor-1] TRACE org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicExtractor - Found [2015-06-03T14:07:46.185+05:30] as column [col_3_0_]
2939 [taskExecutor-1] TRACE org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicExtractor - Found [] as column [col_4_0_]
2939 [taskExecutor-1] TRACE org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicExtractor - Found [null] as column [col_5_0_]
2939 [taskExecutor-1] TRACE org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicExtractor - Found [[B@178a924] as column [col_6_0_]
2939 [taskExecutor-1] TRACE org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql.BasicExtractor - Found [[B@a88cad] as column [col_7_0_]
2941 [taskExecutor-1] DEBUG org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager - Initiating transaction rollback
2941 [taskExecutor-1] DEBUG org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager - Rolling back JPA transaction on EntityManager [org.hibernate.ejb.EntityManagerImpl@4869dc]
2941 [taskExecutor-1] DEBUG org.hibernate.engine.transaction.spi.AbstractTransactionImpl - rolling back
2941 [taskExecutor-1] DEBUG org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.jdbc.JdbcTransaction - rolled JDBC Connection
2941 [taskExecutor-1] DEBUG org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.jdbc.JdbcTransaction - re-enabling autocommit
2942 [taskExecutor-1] DEBUG org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaTransactionManager - Closing JPA EntityManager [org.hibernate.ejb.EntityManagerImpl@4869dc] after transaction
2942 [taskExecutor-1] DEBUG org.springframework.orm.jpa.EntityManagerFactoryUtils - Closing JPA EntityManager
2942 [taskExecutor-1] DEBUG org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.LogicalConnectionImpl - Releasing JDBC connection
2942 [taskExecutor-1] DEBUG com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.BasicResourcePool - trace com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.BasicResourcePool@1bbb378 [managed: 5, unused: 4, excluded: 0] (e.g. com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.NewPooledConnection@171d828)
2942 [taskExecutor-1] DEBUG org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.internal.LogicalConnectionImpl - Released JDBC connection
2943 [taskExecutor-1] WARN org.axonframework.eventsourcing.AbstractSnapshotter - An attempt to create and store a snapshot resulted in an exception:
at org.axonframework.eventsourcing.AggregateSnapshotter.createSnapshot(
at org.axonframework.eventsourcing.AbstractSnapshotter$
at org.axonframework.eventsourcing.AbstractSnapshotter$
at org.axonframework.eventsourcing.AbstractSnapshotter$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)

Below is my configuration,

public class DatabaseConfig {

public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager(EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory) throws PropertyVetoException{
JpaTransactionManager jpaTransactionManager = new JpaTransactionManager();
return jpaTransactionManager;


public class ApplicationConfig {

DatabaseConfig databaseConfig;

private PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager;

public CommandGatewayFactoryBean commandGatewayFactoryBean() {
CommandGatewayFactoryBean factory = new CommandGatewayFactoryBean();
return factory;

public MyCommandHandler myCommandHandler() {
MyCommandHandler commandHandler = new MyCommandHandler();
return commandHandler;

public CommandBus commandBus() {
SimpleCommandBus simpleCommandBus = new SimpleCommandBus();
simpleCommandBus.setTransactionManager(new SpringTransactionManager(transactionManager));
return simpleCommandBus;

public ThreadPoolTaskExecutor taskExecutor(){
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor threadPoolTaskExecutor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
return threadPoolTaskExecutor;

AnnotationCommandHandlerBeanPostProcessor annotationCommandHandlerBeanPostProcessor() {
AnnotationCommandHandlerBeanPostProcessor handler = new AnnotationCommandHandlerBeanPostProcessor();
return handler;

public JpaEventStore eventStore() {
return new JpaEventStore(entityManagerProvider(),serializer());

public Serializer serializer(){
return new JacksonSerializer();

public EventBus eventBus() {
return new SimpleEventBus();

AnnotationEventListenerBeanPostProcessor annotationEventListenerBeanPostProcessor() {
AnnotationEventListenerBeanPostProcessor listener = new AnnotationEventListenerBeanPostProcessor();
return listener;

public EventSourcingRepository repository() {
EventSourcingRepository repository = new EventSourcingRepository(MyAggregate.class, eventStore());
return repository;

public EventCountSnapshotterTrigger snapshotterTrigger(){
EventCountSnapshotterTrigger snapshotterTrigger = new EventCountSnapshotterTrigger();
return snapshotterTrigger;

public SpringAggregateSnapshotter snapshotter(){
SpringAggregateSnapshotter snapshotter = new SpringAggregateSnapshotter();
return snapshotter;

public EntityManagerProvider entityManagerProvider() {
return new ContainerManagedEntityManagerProvider();


It does not store the snapshot entry into the database and results in exception before that. Pls guide if am doing something wrong.



a quick glance at the source code reveals that there isn’t any “aggregateFactory” configured with the snapshotter. That’s strange, because the SpringAggregateSnapshotter will automatically load them from the application context in the “afterPropertiesSet” method.
I see two things that can go wrong. Either Spring doesn’t invoke the afterPropertiesSet method, or the method is invoked at a time when not all beans are available in the application context yet. The first could be by design, or a bug in Spring.

In your case, the workaround would be to add a parameter to your method of type List. Then pass the value of this argument to the setAggregateFactories() on the snapshotter.
If you can, please check whether Spring invokes the afterPropertiesSet method, and whether that method finds any aggregate factories. That’s valuable information for a potential fix/workaround in Axon.



Hi Allard,

Tried the workaround mentioned but it is not working.

Parameterized approach to the method required various parameters to be added in nested method calls. Even then it resulted in same null pointer and was not able to load from the context.
Unable to autowire/create the aggregateFactoryList that is required and tried various implementations. Not sure in which way we can externally specify the aggregate factory in the context configuration.

Thanks for your time and pls help on resolving this.

You can create an AggregateFactory simply by doing new GenericAggregateFactory(MyAggregateClass.class);
Unless tou use custom aggregate factories, adding those to the list (setAggregateFactories) should resolve the problem.

Hi Allard,

Thanks for your time and the fix mentioned worked. Now, spring is able to load the aggregate factory context.

Hi Allard,
What in case when we have maven project which is constructed with multiple subprojects. In infrastructure project we have configured SpringAggregateSnapshotter so it is impossible to view other aggregates here. And if I wire snapshotter to other modules, there’s no method to add factory to it.
Is it ok to create SpringAggregateSnapshotter in each module in which we want snapshots?



Hi Lukas,

yes, you can have multiple SpringAggregateSnapshotter instances. However, even in multi-module projects, a single instance should be able to do the job. That’s because Spring does the discovery at runtime, where all modules are available.
Generally, I put the Snapshotter in a generic “infrastructure” module, where also the CommandBus and EventBus implementations are configures. Each module will have a dependency on that module. At runtime, the Snapshotter will then automatically detect all aggregate related infrastructure from the different components that are available at runtime.



Hi Allard,

but that way it’s not working (or I have misconfigured something).

In infrastructure module config I have this:

Snapshotter snapshotter(SnapshotEventStore snapshotEventStore) {
    SpringAggregateSnapshotter snapshotter = new SpringAggregateSnapshotter();
    return snapshotter;

SnapshotterTrigger snapshottrigger(Snapshotter snapshotter) {
    EventCountSnapshotterTrigger snapshotterTrigger = new EventCountSnapshotterTrigger();
    return snapshotterTrigger;

and then in Accessor module I have this

AggregateFactory<AccessorAggregateRoot> accessorAggregateFactory() {
    return new GenericAggregateFactory<AccessorAggregateRoot>(AccessorAggregateRoot.class);

@Bean(name = "accessorRepository")
EventSourcingRepository<AccessorAggregateRoot> accessorEventSourcingRepository(EventBus eventBus, SnapshotEventStore eventStore, SnapshotterTrigger snapshotterTrigger) {
    EventSourcingRepository<AccessorAggregateRoot> eventSourcingRepository = new EventSourcingRepository<AccessorAggregateRoot>(accessorAggregateFactory(), eventStore);
    return eventSourcingRepository;

but snapshots are never created :frowning:

In SpringAggregateSnapshotter.afterPropertiesSet the factory for AccessorAggregateRoot is found.

Am I doing something wrong?



sorry for the late reply.
It doesn’t seem you have configured a TransactionManager on your snapshotter. Since it’s configured to be asynchronous, it cannot use the transaction of the command handling thread. It needs its own.
snapshotter.setTransactionManager(txManager); should do the trick.



Hi Allard,
So I’ve tried to add transactionmanager, but that didn’t helped.

Snapshotter snapshotter(SnapshotEventStore snapshotEventStore, JpaTransactionManager transactionManager, ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
    SpringAggregateSnapshotter snapshotter = new SpringAggregateSnapshotter();
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return snapshotter;

SnapshotterTrigger snapshotterTrigger(Snapshotter snapshotter) {
    EventCountSnapshotterTrigger snapshotterTrigger = new EventCountSnapshotterTrigger();
    return snapshotterTrigger;

I guess that problem is within snapshotter.afterPropertiesSet - where is registration of factories. In the time when afterPropertiesSet is invoked (commented in my example) no factories exists. And unfortunately I don’t see simple way how to add factories to snapshotter.

It must be a timing thing. afterPropertiesSet might indeed kick in too early. Perhaps you can add a @DependsOn annotation on the snapshotter to force it to wait until the repositories have been created?

You can set the factories using: snapshotter.setAggregateFactories(…). Note that each EventSourcingRepository exposes the factory used to create (empty) instances of aggregates.

I will record a little design improvement in the issue tracker. This should be easier…

even if I add @DependsOn to snapshotter, snapshots are never crated. During debugging I can see that afterPropertiesSet is invoked automatically, so I’ve removed afterPropertiesSet from snapshotter. The factories are found, but no eventsourcing repositories. I don’t know if this can be a problem.

/// SNAPSHOT ///

@DependsOn(value = {"accessorAggregateFactory"})
Snapshotter snapshotter(SnapshotEventStore snapshotEventStore, JpaTransactionManager transactionManager, ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
    SpringAggregateSnapshotter snapshotter = new SpringAggregateSnapshotter();
    return snapshotter;

SnapshotterTrigger snapshotterTrigger(Snapshotter snapshotter) {
    EventCountSnapshotterTrigger snapshotterTrigger = new EventCountSnapshotterTrigger();
    return snapshotterTrigger;

@Bean(name = "accessorAggregateFactory")
AggregateFactory<AccessorAggregateRoot> accessorAggregateFactory() {
    return new GenericAggregateFactory<AccessorAggregateRoot>(AccessorAggregateRoot.class);

EventSourcingRepository<AccessorAggregateRoot> accessorEventSourcingRepository(EventBus eventBus, SnapshotEventStore eventStore, SnapshotterTrigger snapshotterTrigger) {
    EventSourcingRepository<AccessorAggregateRoot> repository = new EventSourcingRepository<AccessorAggregateRoot>(accessorAggregateFactory(), eventStore);
    return repository;

If you need some debug informations, just let me know.


PS: @DependsOn is ugly to have in infrastructure configuration (it shouldn’t know about other modules).

Did you try adding a “List” to your @Bean method’s parameter list? Each EventSourcingRepository instance provides access to the AggregateFactory used to create new instances. This should also force Spring to initialize these repositories before creating the snapshotter.



Hi Allard,
back to this issue … I wasn’t working on project long time. I suppose you are talking about snapshotter method. I cannot inject “List” there, because then I have circular dependency. Any other hint how to solve this? (I’m still on axon 2.4)


Hi Lukas,

hmm. I guess this asks for a workaround and a solid fix. You can configure a separate list of aggregate factories. If you use the defaults, you can use the GenericAggregateFactory(MyAggregate.class). That should resolve the timing issues.

Meanwhile, I will figure out a way to change the timing of the AggregateFactory.



Hi Allard,
were you able to look at the timing of AggregateFactory bean?


Hi Lukas,

yes, a colleague has provided a fix in the 2.4 branch. In 3.0, things work a bit differently anyway, so we don’t expect this issue to occur.

We are currently evaluating when to release 2.4.6.

