Snapshot aggregate is empty

Hello all,

I’m trying to use the snapshot feature with Axon 3.0.6 or 3.0.7. Basically, I set up a repository this way:


new CachingEventSourcingRepository<>(new GenericAggregateFactory<>(MyAggregate.class),
eventStore(), new PessimisticLockFactory(), hazelcastCache(), new EventCountSnapshotTriggerDefinition(new AggregateSnapshotter(eventStore(), new GenericAggregateFactory<>(MyAggregate.class)), 3));


Every three events, the storeSnapshot() method of my own EventStorageEngine is well triggered. Yet the DomainEventMessage passed is unfortunately empty.

If I put a breakpoint line here I can see the eventStream is correctly filled with three events but after this step, the aggregateRoot is not modified. It remains empty.
Nonetheless in the logs I saw it triggered my @EventSourcingHandler methods. It’s like an aggregate instance was modified but the AggregateSnapshotter was not able to retrieve this very instance.

My aggregate is defined like this:


public class MyAggregate extends DomainAggregate { //DomainAggregate is my own abstract class
private String aggregateId;

//Some stuff


Am I missing something? Like a specific annotation somewhere?



is your aggregate properly event source? Meaning, does it set all the fields using @EventSourcingHandler annotated methods?

Also, I notice you’ve got both @AggregateRoot and @Aggregate annotations. The first one is not necessary (it doesn’t harm either). Then, the @TargetAggregateIdentifier on the aggregateId field doesn’t make sense. This annotation should be put on commands to identify the field that expresses the command’s target.




Okay actually I’ve added both annotations (@AggregateRoot and @TargetAggregateIdentifier) just for this test but fine I cam back to my original point.

Is your aggregate properly event source?

Yes it is. I mean I am able to reconstruct an aggregate based on the event stored. That’s strange.

Are you using Spring?

I notice that you didn’t configure a TransactionManager on the AggregateSnapshotter. Where are you storing snapshots? If it’s using JPA, you’ll need a transaction to be able to persist the snapshot. You might also want to autowire the ParamterResolverFactory from your Spring context (assuming Spring).



Yes I am but am I really able to use the SpringBeanParameterResolverFactory here? I feel like using a simple DefaultParameterResolverFactory should make the job. Otherwise it seems I have to beanerize my event classes by using a @Service for instance.

But still is that really related to how I am storing the snapshots? I have using Event Store for that and a custom EventStorageEngine. The storeSnapshot() is well invoked, the only thing is that the snapshot parameter is empty. I feel like something is missing before.

My bad Allard, this was a mistake somewhere in my code.

Thanks for the help anyway, the implem will be cleaner with your piece of advice.