Setup saga for listening with Spring Cloud Stream


There are two services:

Service 1 - Publishes “PlatformCreatedEvent” to a RMQ exchange.
Service 2 - Consumes this message to trigger a saga.

Here is the problem. The saga is not triggered since axon is not aware of this received event in Service 2. I don’t know how to configure Axon with Spring Cloud Stream with RMQ.

Since I see message being received in Service 2 in the handlePlatformCreated function, I am leaving out the configuration of Service 1.

SERVICE 2 Snippets:

class OnboardingSaga {
    private val businessId = ""

    lateinit var commandGateway: CommandGateway

    @SagaEventHandler(associationProperty = "id", keyName = "businessId")
    fun handle(event: PlatformCreatedEvent) {
        println("I am not being triggered!")
class AxonConfig {

    fun sagaConfiguration(): SagaConfiguration<*> {
        return SagaConfiguration.trackingSagaManager(

interface Service2Channels {

    fun platformCreated(): SubscribableChannel
class PlatformEventConsumer {

    fun handlePlatformCreated(event: PlatformCreatedEvent) {
        println(">>>>> I am being triggered! YAY!!!)


Hi Altug,

the problem is with your AxonConfig class. The sagaConfiguration bean must either stick to the “convention”, or you must explicitly define the configuration’s bean name in the @Saga annotation.

The default bean name to use for a Saga class called MySaga is mySagaConfiguration.
Also, the default source for a Tracking Processor is the Event Store. If you want to use another source, you must specify that in the SagaConfiguration.

Hope this helps.


Hi Allard,

Thanks you for your response. I’ll try this but I have a quick follow up question on something on tangent. In Axon saga samples I see this code (Kotlin in this case):

@RabbitListener(queues=["queue name"])

Why is it queues we set but not exchange? In RMQ (AMQP) we talk to exchanges not queues.


Hi Allard,

I realized I missed adding the AMQP config snippet in Service 2:

class AmqpConfig {
    fun springAMQPMessageSource(serializer: Serializer): SpringAMQPMessageSource {
        return object : SpringAMQPMessageSource(serializer) {
//            @RabbitListener(queues = [(ApplicationExchanges.PLATFORM_CREATED)])
            override fun onMessage(message: Message, channel: Channel) {
                super.onMessage(message, channel)

I updated the AxonConfig as you suggested.

class AxonConfig {

    fun onboardingSagaConfiguration(): SagaConfiguration<*> {
        return SagaConfiguration.trackingSagaManager(


I see the message is received but I get serialization exception for the received event

data class PlatformCreatedEvent(
        var id: PlatformId,
        var name: String = "",
        var awsAccessKey: String = "",
        var awsSecretKey: String = ""
data class PlatformId(var id: String = IdentifierFactory.getInstance().generateIdentifier()) {
    override fun toString(): String {
        return id

    fun identifier(): String {
        return id

The exception is:

2018-03-05 20:42:31.704 WARN 49059 --- [kGqR36QeUMKjw-1] ingErrorHandler$DefaultExceptionStrategy : Fatal message conversion error; message rejected; it will be dropped or routed to a dead letter exchange, if so configured: (Body:'{"id":{"id":"74b91da7-41e7-4f53-97f7-4ebec8b27e67"},"name":"homer","awsAccessKey":"string","awsSecretKey":"string"}' MessageProperties [headers={contentType=text/plain, originalContentType=application/json;charset=UTF-8}, timestamp=null, messageId=null, userId=null, receivedUserId=null, appId=null, clusterId=null, type=null, correlationId=null, correlationIdString=null, replyTo=null, contentType=text/plain, contentEncoding=null, contentLength=0, deliveryMode=null, receivedDeliveryMode=PERSISTENT, expiration=null, priority=0, redelivered=false, receivedExchange=wd-platform-out-platform-created, receivedRoutingKey=wd-platform-out-platform-created, receivedDelay=null, deliveryTag=1, messageCount=0, consumerTag=amq.ctag-9Y6XUpLYSwN0hd2GjlDexw, consumerQueue=wd-platform-out-platform-created.anonymous.v0UkXL4fRkGqR36QeUMKjw])

Issue seems to be with PlatformId (id property of PlatformCreatedEvent)


id is set to “id: { uuid }” instead of “{id: uuid}”

The spring cloud stream content type is set to json on both service 1 and 2.

Any ideas why the serialization fails?

Thank you

Hi Altug,

You might want to try the @JsonValue @JsonProperty annotations on the getter of the id field in your PlatformId class.

I believe that should make it so that your id will not be wrapped in another id{...} field.

Any how my hunch is that the solution is somewhere in Jackson annotations rather than Axon Framework.

