I have a number of event processing nodes implementing Pooled Streaming Event Processors (PSEP). From the documentation, I see that this is the most reasonable approach to automating load-balancing across event processors at the application level…
# Enables automatic balancing for event processor "my-processor."
# Setting automatic balancing to true causes Axon Server to periodically check whether the segments are balanced.
# Note that automatic balancing is an Enterprise feature of Axon Server.
# Set the load balancing strategy to, for example, "threadNumber."
# Note that this task is executed only once, on the start up of the Axon Framework application.
This requires that each event processor repeats the same procedure even though I wish to apply this configuration for all of them.
Is there a means to set a default load-balancing strategy across all EPs in from within my axon application?
Please note that enterprise features are out of reach at the moment for me.