Setting PSEP load balancing strategy globally


I have a number of event processing nodes implementing Pooled Streaming Event Processors (PSEP). From the documentation, I see that this is the most reasonable approach to automating load-balancing across event processors at the application level…

# Enables automatic balancing for event processor "my-processor."
# Setting automatic balancing to true causes Axon Server to periodically check whether the segments are balanced.
# Note that automatic balancing is an Enterprise feature of Axon Server.
# Set the load balancing strategy to, for example, "threadNumber."
# Note that this task is executed only once, on the start up of the Axon Framework application.

This requires that each event processor repeats the same procedure even though I wish to apply this configuration for all of them.

Is there a means to set a default load-balancing strategy across all EPs in from within my axon application?

Please note that enterprise features are out of reach at the moment for me.

The Axon Server APIs exposed through the AdminChannel have proved sufficient. The secret lies in the setAutoLoadBalanceStrategy() functionality.

PSEPs are indeed powerful.

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