Secure events between two contexts

We have two applications with axon server, each application run in a different context

the inventory application sends events to the booking application, so we added the below config in the booking application

public void configure(EventProcessingConfigurer configurer, EventStore eventStore) {
    if (eventStore instanceof AxonServerEventStore) {
                it -> MultiStreamableMessageSource.builder()
                        .addMessageSource(BOOKING, ((AxonServerEventStore) eventStore).createStreamableMessageSourceForContext(BOOKING))
                        .addMessageSource(INVENTORY, ((AxonServerEventStore) eventStore).createStreamableMessageSourceForContext(INVENTORY))

in our case each application has its team, and the events are visible to the two teams, so my question is there a config i can add to the inventory application so that the booking application recieves only events that i choose.

The context sharing is an all-or-nothing solution, @ounirayen.
If you want to specifically select some events that you want to share outside a given team / context / bounded context, it’s based on doing so on a separate context.
You could call that context the “integration context,” for example, as it is used to integrate between contexts.

Now a direct reply to your text:

I wouldn’t call it l ike that to be honest. The events of the inventory application reside in the inventory context until the end of time. If somebody wants to read/consume those, it needs to connect to the inventory context.
The suggestion I gave, wherein events are published (again or aggregated) to an integration context would be more inline with your statement.
But even then you can argue that events always stay in one context.

Regardless, I hope the above explains your option going forward, @ounirayen!
With your current approach, the booking app will always be able to read All events from both booking and inventory. If you want to filter the inventory events that you want to share, you need to publish those to a second context used to integrate.
You can see this as the anti-corruption pattern, by the way.