Saga event handler not receiving event

I’m adding a saga to an existing axon project. My saga has @StartSaga and @SagaEventHandler annotations. The handle method in the saga is the only eventHandler for the event I’m publishing. Looking at the axon logs, I see that my event is being published, but it doesn’t get dispatched to my handler in the saga. I’m guessing there is some configuration error, but I’ve looked at examples, and it looks correct to me, so maybe I’m missing something. Can anyone suggest a reason my saga eventHandler would not be getting the event? I’ve included the configuration I added.


public SagaRepository sagaRepository() {

return new InMemorySagaRepository();



public ResourceInjector resourceInjector() {

return new SpringResourceInjector();



public SagaFactory sagaFactory() {

GenericSagaFactory sagaFactory = new GenericSagaFactory();


return sagaFactory;



public SagaManager sagaManager() {

AnnotatedSagaManager sagaManager = new AnnotatedSagaManager(sagaRepository(), sagaFactory(), DeleteManagerSaga.class,



return sagaManager;


try to add EventBus to your sagaManager as parameter and then after sagaManager creation subscribe to the eventBus.

Thanks! That was what I was missing.