Regarding Multiple instances in AXON

Hi all,

How to bring 2 instances for same application in AXON framework.


Just launch another instance of your application.

Then check the ‘Overview’ page on the axon server dashboard. I’ve copied an image from below:


With two applications launched it should say ‘2 instances’ instead of 1 - but you get the idea.


If you use the contents of the “Running AxonServer” repository and put the axonserver.jar file in its root:

$ cd 1-local/1-first-up-se
$ nohup ./ &

[1] 3864
nohup: ignoring input and appending output to 'nohup.out’

Open a browser to “http://localhost:8024” and go to the “Overview” tab. Now start two quicktesters:

$ SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=axonserver MS_DELAY=10000 java -jar …/…/axonserver-quicktest/axonserver-quicktest.jar &
[1] 3874

$ SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=axonserver MS_DELAY=10000 java -jar …/…/axonserver-quicktest/axonserver-quicktest.jar &
[1] 3874

You should now see:

If you are using a platform like Kubernetes, you could use a Deployment and scale your app at will. As long as the “axon.axonserver.servers” property points at the correct hostname, or you use an environment variable “AXON_AXONSERVER_SERVERS”, your app should be able to find AxonServer.

Bert Laverman