Hi, is https://registry.hub.docker.com/r/axoniq/synapse an official Docker image for Synapse? I did not find any reference to it in the documentation, and the last update is a while ago. (There was no update on Synapse recently, but I expected some security updates on the base image, for example).
If this is an official Docker image: I’ve stumbled upon a Segmentation Fault when you run a container with this image and switch on TLS. The container runs on a Mac M3 with ARM architecture. The error does not occur when using the X86 architecture image. A quick research brought up JVM crashes with grpc-netty-shaded 1.67.1 and alpine docker image · Issue #11660 · grpc/grpc-java · GitHub which might be related.
I’ve managed to fix this issue by building a Docker image on my own with Amazon Corretto as base image and just the Synapse jar.