I recently watched Webinar Running Axon Server in 2020 - Bert is showing how to get the most out of AxonServer on YouTube to get started with Kubernetes and AxonServer. This is a really great step by step tutorial .
However, since I’m also learning Kubernetes and the repository running-axon-server changed since 2020, there were some things I had to find out. I wrote everything I did down in axon-server-kubernetes-first-steps/README.md.
This might be helpful for those who are also new to Kubernetes, uses Docker Desktop on Mac and have questions like:
- Where is
? - Why are the scripts not executable?
- Why is my Kubernetes pod in status
? - Where can i find “axonserver-cli.jar”?
PS.: The document was first intended as personal notes for myself. So nothing “official”. I copied the scripts from running-axon-server and modified them slightly.