Issues with axoniq server API connectivity on AWS

Hi Team,
We are using AxonServer-2023.1.0 in SE mode.
We are trying to deploy our services on AWS.
We have hosted the axon server on Windows EC2 machine and initialized it with default context and SE mode.
We are able to access this server’s Rest API as well as management UI URLS from public internet.
But we are facing challenge while connecting to the Rest API from our springboot app deployed into same VPC.
The spring boot app is deployed in server less mode using AWS App Runner service.
Please let us know if there is any documentation for deployment pattern for Axoniq server on AWS.
We keep getting below error:

07-18-2023 02:58:42 PM 2023-07-18T14:58:42.798Z INFO 1 — [pute.internal-1] i.a.a.c.impl.AxonServerManagedChannel : Requesting connection details from :8124
07-18-2023 02:58:42 PM 2023-07-18T14:58:42.302Z DEBUG 1 — [pute.internal-0] i.a.a.c.impl.AbstractAxonServerChannel : No connection to AxonServer available. Scheduling next attempt in 500ms
07-18-2023 02:58:42 PM 2023-07-18T14:58:42.302Z DEBUG 1 — [pute.internal-1] i.a.a.connector.impl.ControlChannelImpl : Not sending processor info for context ‘default’. Channel not ready…
07-18-2023 02:58:41 PM 2023-07-18T14:58:41.802Z DEBUG 1 — [pute.internal-0] i.a.a.c.impl.AbstractAxonServerChannel : No connection to AxonServer available. Scheduling next attempt in 500ms
07-18-2023 02:58:41 PM 2023-07-18T14:58:41.802Z DEBUG 1 — [pute.internal-1] i.a.a.connector.impl.ControlChannelImpl : Not sending processor info for context ‘default’. Channel not ready…
07-18-2023 02:58:41 PM 2023-07-18T14:58:41.801Z DEBUG 1 — [pute.internal-0] i.a.a.connector.impl.HeartbeatMonitor : Scheduling next heartbeat verification in 1000ms
07-18-2023 02:58:41 PM 2023-07-18T14:58:41.301Z DEBUG 1 — [pute.internal-1] i.a.a.c.impl.AbstractAxonServerChannel : No connection to AxonServer available. Scheduling next attempt in 500ms
07-18-2023 02:58:41 PM 2023-07-18T14:58:41.301Z DEBUG 1 — [pute.internal-0] i.a.a.connector.impl.ControlChannelImpl : Not sending processor info for context ‘default’. Channel not ready…
07-18-2023 02:58:41 PM 2023-07-18T14:58:41.299Z INFO 1 — [pute.internal-1] i.a.a.c.impl.AxonServerManagedChannel : Failed to get connection to AxonServer. Scheduling a reconnect in 2000ms

It’s not a Rest API, but a gRPC API, possibly you need some additional configuration, because gRPC goes uses HTTP/2 as transport medium?

Hey Shrirang,
I notice the following log message:

Do you have the Axon Server hostname specified using the axon.axonserver.servers property? Could it be this value is set to empty? That would explain the missing hostname/FQDN.

Hi All, the issue got resolved. We were providing hostname property but provided public IP of the windows EC2 where Axon Server was running. The issue got fixed when we provided private IP as both of the services running in same VPC.

Does axonserver has gRPC on port 8124 health check path, similar to rest /actuator/health

It has REST health endpoints on 8024.

do you have gRPC health check path url on port 8124?

No, there is no gRPC health endpoint.