Is Axon Initializr dead?

Looks like Axon Initializr is not hosted anymore. Is it dead?

Yes, it was hard to maintain, with all the things Spring has added to the initializr.

Isn’t it possible to add Axon to Spring Initializr?

It is, but it still needs to be maintained.

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Hi Oliver,
I hope all is well.
We made an announcement about it a while ago. As Gerard mentioned the maintenance and a few other reasons led us to this decision.

It’s possible, but we weren’t able to convince them (even with the help of some Spring Developer Advocates). So don’t hesitate to drop them a note to ask for it being added :slight_smile:

I tried to…


Well, you didn’t get a clear no. It seems that this request form is a new approach they were using. Before, we were using the internal paths of people we knew that knew some people.

I’ll fill in the form when I have some time and link the PR here so everyone can up-vote it.