Invitation for conference, Axon training and webinar

Hi Axonframework,

Let me personally invite you to our 2-day Event-Driven Microservices Conference October 1st and 2nd.

It’s an interactive online conference to get in touch with devs and architects sharing the same interests in the field of Event Sourcing, Event modeling, CQRS and DDD.

We also have a new Full Axon Training Program coming up starting September 15th 9am-11am CET, our instructor-led online course.

If you rather want something sooner, please join our Fast lane webinar on Sept 9th 9am-11am CET.

I hope to see you there,

CTO & Founder, AxonIQ, Vliegend Hertlaan 43, Utrecht, 3526 KT, The Netherlands, +31 30 227 2607

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