Install Axon EE cluster with PRIMARY vs SECONDARY nodes


we are currently using a 3 nodes in Axon EE cluster, and all nodes are ‘PRIMARY’. would changing the setup to 1 PRIMARY + 2 SECONDARY improve performance?

what would you recommend plz ?

nodes of type SECONDARY are used to store older data:

In general, we recommend against using them in almost all cases. If you change a node from PRIMARY to SECONDARY, only the primary nodes will retain new data, so you would loose most high availability properties. These nodes only make sense in larger clusters.

Could you please elaborate what performance problems you observe and are trying to work around?

Kind regards,

we have many spring Boot applications connecting to an Axon instance containing around 200 contexts.

we have detected that some commands take several seconds to execute

AxonServer can handle at least 20.000 commands or queries per second without any tuning. One factor you may be the amount of client applications, can you put a rough number on that one?
Further, in your command handlers, do you see where they spend their time? Do they use external services or do they spend most of their time sourcing events?

Hello Afe,

200 context is quite a lot. It seems like you (and your team) are doing serious development using Axon. Do you think it would make sense to schedule a technical video call with to address any questions/concerns you may have?

Kind regards,
