How to update Multiple Aggregates via single Event

A new bee here.
Axon 3.0.5 with all defaults with spring-boot.

Greatly impressed by everything just worxs. Thank you guys.

I might have came to a design choice here, so kindly enlighten me if the issue is not a technical one.

At high level I am trying to frame a question like :
"How to create different projections of same Domain Entity only using Event Sourced Aggregates "

Minimal sample for technical details:

A) TargetProfileAggregate is where my “write commands” C in CQRS is targeted, all good here.

public class TargetProfileAggregate {

    private Long id;
    private List<String> msisdn = new ArrayList<>();

B) TargetProfileViewAggregate is projection (Q is CQRS) of the above aggregate handing primary “read commands by id”

public class TargetProfileViewAggregate {

    private Long id;
    private List<String> msisdn = new ArrayList<>();

C) TargetProfileViewByMSISDNAggregate is another projection I want to build from same events.

public class TargetProfileViewByMSISDNAggregate {

    private String msisdn;
    private List<Long> id = new ArrayList<>();

D) The issue is “TargetProfileViewByMSISDNAggregate” has @AggregateIdentifier as it has to serve commands having different @TargetAggregateIdentifier then so called “primary key used for write”

public class GetTargetProfileViewByMSISDNCommand {

    String msisdn;

Full source code:
Currently “TargetProfileViewByMSISDNAggregate” does not get built on Command “GetTargetProfileViewByMSISDNCommand”, So what is the “right” way to build such aggregates?

public class TargetProfileAggregate {

    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private List<String> msisdn = new ArrayList<>();

    private HashMap<Long, String> contents = new LinkedHashMap<>();

    private BlobStore contentStore;

    public TargetProfileAggregate(TargetProfileCreateCommand command) {"Handling {}[{}]", command.getClass().getSimpleName(), command.getId());

    public int on(AddMsisdnForTargetProfileCommand command) {"Handling {}[{}]", command.getClass().getSimpleName(), command.getId());
        if (msisdn.contains(command.getMsisdn())) {
            throw new DataIntegrityViolationException("Can't associate duplicate msisdn " + command.getMsisdn());
        } else {
            return msisdn.size() - 1; //always gets added at last index.

    public long on(AddContentForTargetProfileCommand command) throws IOException {"Handling {}[{}]", command.getClass().getSimpleName(), command.getId());
        File file = new File(command.getFileName());
        FileCopyUtils.copy(command.getFileContent(), file);
        long fileId =;
        return fileId;

    public void on(TargetProfileCreatedEvent event) { = event.getId(); = event.getName();"Applied  {}[{}]", event.getClass().getSimpleName(), event.getId());

    public void on(AddMsisdnForTargetProfileEvent event) {
        msisdn.add(event.getMsidn());"Applied  {}[{}]", event.getClass().getSimpleName(), event.getId());

    public void on(AddContentForTargetProfileEvent event) {
        contents.put(event.getFileId(), event.getFileName());"Applied  {}[{}]", event.getClass().getSimpleName(), event.getId());

public class TargetProfileViewAggregate {

    private Long id;
    private long version;

    private String name;
    private List<String> msisdn = new ArrayList<>();

    public TargetProfileViewResponse on(GetTargetProfileViewCommand command) {"Handling {}[{}]", command.getClass().getSimpleName(), command.getId());
        return TargetProfileViewResponse.builder().id(id).name(name).version(version)
                .msisdn(msisdn.toArray(new String[msisdn.size()])).build();

    public void on(TargetProfileCreatedEvent event, @SequenceNumber Long version) { = event.getId();
        this.version = version; = event.getName();"Applied  {}[{}]", event.getClass().getSimpleName(), event.getId());

    public void on(AddMsisdnForTargetProfileEvent event) {
        msisdn.add(event.getMsidn());"Applied  {}[{}]", event.getClass().getSimpleName(), event.getId());


public class TargetProfileViewByMSISDNAggregate {

    private String msisdn;
    private List<Long> id = new ArrayList<>();

    public List<TargetProfileViewResponse> on(GetTargetProfileViewByMSISDNCommand command) {"Handling {}[{}]", command.getClass().getSimpleName(), command);
        List<TargetProfileViewResponse> targets = new ArrayList<>();
        id.forEach(targetId -> targets.add(TargetProfileViewResponse.builder().id(targetId)
                .msisdn(new String[]{msisdn}).build()));
        return targets;

    public void on(AddMsisdnForTargetProfileEvent event) {
        msisdn = event.getMsidn();
        id.add(event.getId());"Applied  {}[{}]", event.getClass().getSimpleName(), event.getId());


I am missing something obvious ? Completely wrong design direction :slight_smile: ? Requesting to share your opinions on how to do it using EventSourcedAggregate.

Hi Dhruv,

in fact, there is something wrong with the design ;-). Projections aren’t built with Aggregates, but using “plain” beans with @EventHandler annotated methods. Unlike Aggregates, these Event Handlers receive all events and can update a query model in the database. Aggregates are the implementation of the C part of CQRS.

Check out the webinar I did with Pivotal to see how to do this:

Hope this help.
