I am currently trying to deploy one of our services on Kubernetes. We wanted to use the AxonIQ Cloud offer to save some time. I have created the necessary resources in the cloud console and added an application binding.
I am not very familiar with Kubernetes but have integrated AWS RDS in the past. I assumed I can use a similar approach but am greeted with a connection error:
io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNAVAILABLE: io exception
Channel Pipeline: [SslHandler#0, ProtocolNegotiators$ClientTlsHandler#0, WriteBufferingAndExceptionHandler#0, DefaultChannelPipeline$TailContext#0]
Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: General OpenSslEngine problem
Caused by: java.security.cert.CertificateException: No subject alternative DNS name matching axon-server found.
To connect to the AxonIQ Cloud I have created an ExternalService in Kubernetes:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: axon-server
type: ExternalName
externalName: axonserver.cloud.axoniq.io
In my service, I use environment variables for configuration
servers: ${AXON_URL} // is set to "axon-server:443"
keep-alive-time: 0
ssl-enabled: true
context: ${AXON_CONTEXT}
token: ${AXON_TOKEN}
This setup works in my IDE but not when deployed in Kubernetes so I guess I am missing some configuration.
Thanks in advance