Hackaton assignment using axon framework


In a few month my company is organising a 2 day hackaton. I want to try if i can use the (amazon/azure/…) cloud to deploy multiple axon applications processing events or something like that.

Do you have any suggestions what i could try and make with axon in combination with a cloud provider? So the primary goal is not to make something functional but rather to get an idea of the possibilities that Axon+cloud offers.

Hi Joost,

nice to hear that you’re taking on the challenge with your company. There are many things you can do. What is the primary focus of your hackathon? For example, you could focus on scalability, and see if you can deploy and run an application that is deployed to all participant’s machines. You can also focus on complex domain models, and see if anyone can find a solution for it.
In my training, I use a sample of a cardgame. The business rules are complex enough to be challenging, but easy enough to understand in a short moment. It also allows for a scalable implementation.

