Get an aggregate by an attribute except aggregateIdentifier

I have two aggregates Account and Convention, when creating a new convention, a creation of an account is launched, so when i get the account by the contextId from the repository (spring data) to do some validation, i get nothing, because the event is not arrived yet to the projection to save in the data base.
So the idea is to get the Account by the contextId from the event store.
The bean EventStore has a function readEvents, but the problem it accept only the aggregateIdentifier.

public class AccountAggregate {
	private String accountId;
	private String contextId;

public class ConventionAggregate {
	private String conventionId;
	public ConventionAggregate() {

	protected ConventionAggregate(CreateConventionCommand cmd) {
	   // i want to get the Account by contextId from the event store (cmd.contextId)

you can try subscripton query and wait until the projection is updated