Feature request: suppress QueryService/Subscription spans in Axon Tracing

Have a look at this:

The QueryService/Subscription span is minutes long, which is essentially correct.
But when rendering such as span, the effect is that all other spans (which are msecs or maybe a few seconds) are ‘squeezed’ and the whole overview becomes less usable – all the short spans are rendered equally short. It defies a bit the purpose of this kind of waterfall view.
It would be VERY nice if we could just suppress this kind of span with some configuration property.

Hello @Christian_Bonami, thanks for the comments. I have noticed this as well, but I have not found a way to better represent it. Do you have any suggestions?

In the meantime, you can disable SubscriptionQueryUpdateMessages altogether by using the following configuration:

public class SpanFactoryConfiguration {

    public SpanFactory spanFactory() {
        OpenTelemetrySpanFactory original = OpenTelemetrySpanFactory.builder().build();
        return new SpanFactory() {
            public Span createRootTrace(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier) {
                return original.createRootTrace(operationNameSupplier);

            public Span createHandlerSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier, Message<?> parentMessage,
                                          boolean isChildTrace, Message<?>... linkedParents) {
                if(parentMessage instanceof SubscriptionQueryUpdateMessage<?>) {
                    return NoOpSpanFactory.INSTANCE.createHandlerSpan(operationNameSupplier, parentMessage, isChildTrace, linkedParents);
                return original.createHandlerSpan(operationNameSupplier, parentMessage, isChildTrace, linkedParents);

            public Span createDispatchSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier, Message<?> parentMessage,
                                           Message<?>... linkedSiblings) {
                return original.createDispatchSpan(operationNameSupplier, parentMessage, linkedSiblings);

            public Span createInternalSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier) {
                String name = operationNameSupplier.get();
                if(name.startsWith("EventSourcingRepository.load")) {
                    name = "EventSourcingRepository.load";
                String finalName = name
                return original.createInternalSpan(() -> finalName);

            public Span createInternalSpan(Supplier<String> operationNameSupplier, Message<?> message) {
                return original.createInternalSpan(operationNameSupplier, message);

            public void registerSpanAttributeProvider(SpanAttributesProvider provider) {

            public <M extends Message<?>> M propagateContext(M message) {
                return original.propagateContext(message);