Event has undergone schema changes (was JSON array before object now). An event is received in old schema and event processor in Axon is throwing Serialization Exception continuously and not progressing further on the tracking token store. Event processing is stuck after that. Without dead-letter queue and changing code, what are the feasible options available to resume the processing for that event handler. It is very urgent, please provide the detailed steps to address it using axon client ui, Axon web console/dashboard. We are using MongoDb tokenstore and using default settings
Hi Ambha,
have you tried updating the tracking token in your MongoDB collection? If you stop the processor, update the token, and restart the processor, it should continue with the next event.
Do not, however, that there might be another event downstream that causes problems.
I heavily recommend configuring suitable error handling for your processors to prevent this in the future.
In your message, you mention that this is an urgent issue. We don’t monitor this forum for urgent issues. If you are working on a business-critical system, I recommend you reach out to our team to discuss options for a support contract. That’s the best way we can help you within agreed SLAs.