Hi all,
The development team has decided to bid AxonIQ Initialzr farewell.
AxonIQ Initialzr, which used to reside at start.axoniq.io, was our attempt to provide a similar platform as the Spring Initialzr.
However, maintenance of the AxonIQ Initialzr proved to much effort on our end. This happened mainly through the customizations we had in place that connected the generated scaffolding with our numerous Axon Framework extensions and the automated connection with Axon Server or AxonIQ Cloud.
The maintenance effort, the usage, and the recent introduction of AxonIQ Console combined have made us decide to say farewell to the AxonIQ Initialzr.
As such, AxonIQ Console will take the role to provide an easy getting-started with Axon-based applications. You will soon be able to check out this flow through the demo application introduction to AxonIQ Console.
If you have any questions and/or concerns, feel free to reply here.