Does Axon support multiple instances?

I want to bring up multiple instances for a system that uses Kafka and MongoDB in the pool stream mode, but the consumer group sets null value and only executes one of the instances when in use, and never to Other instances do not allow execution. When this instance is stopped, another instance starts working.
Does Axon support multiple instances?

Yes it does support multiple instances, and quite nicely if I may say so. This is far the easiest to setup using Axon Server.

In your case, all the tokens will be claimed by the first instance that starts. So to split consuming event from Kafka you niet te enforce load balancing. You can build something for this yourself. As you need to free tokens from one instance, so the other can claim them. If you use AxonIQ console you can use it to balance the load, without needing to add code.

thank you [Gerard Klijs]