Creation of aggregate when using Scala

Just tinkering with Scala and Scynapse and I was trying to create the aggregate using a command handling aggregate root. Obviously constructors are a little different in Scala so annotating them with @CommandHandler doesn’t work.

I have the following code;

class Player extends AbstractAnnotatedAggregateRoot[String] {

private var id : String = _

def handle(cmd: CreatePlayerCommand){

def handle(cmd: PlayerGoalScoredCommand){

def handle(evt: PlayerCreatedEvent): Unit ={ = evt.getId

The CreatePlayerCommand is doing the creation and in Java would have been in the constructor args.

Hi David,

It’s possible to create an aggregate like this:

def this(cmd: CreatePlayerCommand) = {
apply(PlayerCreatedEvent(cmd.playerId, more values))

def on(e: PlayerCreatedEvent) = {
id = e.getId

This works with case classes for the Commands and Events.
@EventSourcingHandler should work too, we can debate which one is better. I did not use EventSourcingHandler, but will give that a try.

Kind regards,


And the CreatePlayerCommand should have:

case class CreatePlayerCommand(@aggregateId playerId: String, other: String at all…)

In order to resolve the aggregate root.

Kind regards,
