Cassandra EventStore

I’ve built a Cassandra Event Store that stores all events belonging to each aggregate in one row as composite columns.
It’s pretty basic right now but it works.
Let me know if anyone is interested in it.


I’m interested, and I’m pretty sure a lot of people will be interested. Please share your code.

Thank you,

Ok. I’ll clean it up a little and then check it into my fork in Github tonight.

I’ll have a look at it soon and see if I can merge it into the Axon Framework.



I checked it in my fork here

It’s very rough but it works, for my application anyway.
Clearly it needs (much)more work before it can be merged.

Hi Ming,

Interesting stuff. I’ll have a look at it soon. I noticed that the pom.xml is missing in the cassandra module. Perhaps forgot to commit/push something?



sorry i forgot those.
the poms are in now

I added snapshot support


I’ve migrated you event store implementation to the incubator/cassandra module in Axon. I’ve also added a test and a benchmark that run against the embedded cassandra.



I am curious about your choice of Hector. Did you also take a look at Astyanax and come to the conclusion that Hector was more mature or had more momentum?

– Jon

Actually I started out using Astyanax.
But later switched to Hector because
1)Hector officially supports Cassandra 1.1+
2)I was able to find more sample/documentation, especially from

Hi Ming,

pretty much interested to know how replay and taking snapshot happens…Can you provide some more details about it…