Cannot enhance @Configuration bean definition

While running Axon SprinBoot application, I get this INFO message at the very start:

o.s.c.a.ConfigurationClassPostProcessor : Cannot enhance @Configuration bean definition ‘org.axonframework.springboot.autoconfig.EventProcessingAutoConfiguration’ since its singleton instance has been created too early. The typical cause is a non-static @Bean method with a BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor return type: Consider declaring such methods as ‘static’.

What should I tune to solve this problem?

Following that I also have messages about non-initialized beans:

Bean ‘__axon-parameter-resolver-factory’ of type [org.axonframework.spring.config.ApplicationContextLookupParameterResolverFactory] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2020-04-13 21:06:56.964 INFO 28004 — [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean ‘__axon-parameter-resolver-factory’ of type [org.axonframework.messaging.annotation.MultiParameterResolverFactory] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2020-04-13 21:06:57.009 INFO 28004 — [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean ‘(inner bean)#4c777e7b’ of type [org.axonframework.spring.config.annotation.SpringHandlerDefinitionBean] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2020-04-13 21:06:57.009 INFO 28004 — [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean ‘(inner bean)#4c777e7b’ of type [org.axonframework.messaging.annotation.MultiHandlerDefinition] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2020-04-13 21:06:57.012 INFO 28004 — [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean ‘(inner bean)#2d9dff65’ of type [org.axonframework.spring.config.annotation.SpringHandlerEnhancerDefinitionBean] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2020-04-13 21:06:57.013 INFO 28004 — [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean ‘(inner bean)#2d9dff65’ of type [org.axonframework.messaging.annotation.MultiHandlerEnhancerDefinition] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)
2020-04-13 21:06:57.021 INFO 28004 — [ main] trationDelegate$BeanPostProcessorChecker : Bean ‘__axon-handler-definition’ of type [org.axonframework.messaging.annotation.MultiHandlerDefinition] is not eligible for getting processed by all BeanPostProcessors (for example: not eligible for auto-proxying)

Considerations on that would also be grateful.

Hi Андрей Зонин,

At the moment these info messages are logged for afaik any Axon Spring Boot application.
Yes, it would be nice to have them cleared out; as it stands there’s no issue for this on the tracker.
I would argue that it’ll have a low priority for now as none of these are obstructing the usage of Axon Framework at the moment.

We do have in mind to adjust the Spring configuration entirely.
This will be a rather big undertaking though, which the team first needs to prioritize.
For now the best thing you could do is to ignore these info logs; sorry if this causes any inconvenience.


Steven van Beelen

Axon Framework Lead Developer

