[axonframework] UnsupportedHandler Exception

Hi Neha,

It would have been helpful to share more of a stack trace in here, as there are several spots a UnsupportedHandlerException can be thrown.
However, I am guessing it is currently happening because the MyService cannot be found when the MyCommand command handler is being created by the framework on start up (more specifically, the shared repo-builder).

From what’s shared at this stage, I am hard pressed to tell you if this is an Axon issue.
I am more so leaning towards a wiring order problem which is purely happening through Spring Boot “magic”.

What you could do to enforce the existence of the MyService, is to wire it to the *myAggregateRepository* method.

That should ensure its existence prior to invoking said method.
If that doesn’t do the trick, you could go as far as adding a SimpleResourceParameterResolverFactory when building the repository.

Hoping this will help you further Neha!


PS. It is important to note that this mailing list will be discontinued as specified in this thread.
The thread also specifies where to look further for help when it comes to Axon as soon as this mailing list is closed.