We have released a new version of the Axon Server.
New features:
- Streaming queries (requires Axon Framework version 4.6.0). When returning a collection of results from a query, the results can be streamed instead of collecting
them in the query handler first.
- Number of events per transaction is no longer limited to 32K.
- Support for using the CLI when the caller is behind a proxy.
- livenessstate and readinessstate probes are now included in the /actuator/health endpoint output by default
- Properties now support more readable values using units
- Changing event processor states through Axon Server now waits for a result from the client
- Plugins can now use AxonServerInformationProvider to get information on the Axon Server version
- UI updated
- show complex metadata values in query results
Dependency updates:
- updated gRPC and Netty versions
- updated Spring Boot version
- moved to OpenAPI for Swagger support
Bug fixes:
- moved reading indexes from the gRPC thread to prevent blocking these threads
- For the Swagger endpoint use /swagger-ui.html or /swagger-ui/index.html.
- The generic endpoint for actuator is /actuator (/actuator/ no longer works)
The latest version can be downloaded from the download page.