Axon Framework - Release 4.5.3

Yesterday (the 15th of July), we have released Axon Framework 4.5.3. We highly recommend upgrading to this release if you combine Axon Server with Axon Framework. An issue was spotted in the axonserver-connector-java, which is resolved in its 4.5.2 and included in this framework release. The update fixes a troublesome issue around permit updates for subscription queries, which exhausted the number of queries an application could have running.
For those curious about the solution, pull request 85 addresses this issue.

Down below are a couple of other worthwhile adjustments of this release:

  • One new feature has been introduced in 4.5.3: the PropertySequencingPolicy by contributor nils-christian.
    This sequencing policy can be configured to look for a common property in the events.

  • The WorkerLauncher runnable, used by the TrackingEventProcessor to start its threads, was not considered when you shut down a tracking processor.
    As a consequence, it could start new segment operations while shutdown already completed “successfully.”
    Pull request 1866 resolves this problem, ensuring a tracking processor shuts down as intended.

  • Issue 1853 describes an issue where the creation policy always.
    Exceptions thrown from within a command handler annotated with @CreationPolicy(ALWAYS) weren’t correctly propagated.
    Pull request 1854 solves this issue.

For an exhaustive list of all the changes, check out the 4.5.3 release notes.