Axon Framework - Release 4.10.2

I’m glad to announce that we’ve released Axon Framework version 4.10.2 on Nov 07, 2024.
This release contains:

:star: Features

  • [#3149] Allow queries with a local handler to shortcut to the local segment #3161
  • Allow queries with a local handler to shortcut to the local segment #3149

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Enhancements

  • fix: log statement issue with logback classic #3164
  • Wrap in to improve performance of Subscription Query Updates #3163
  • Deadletter Logging with Logback Classic #3160
  • [#3157] Skip Axon Server Docker tests on ARM64 for older Axon Server versions #3158
  • Legacy Axon Server 4.x tests fail on Mac/ARM #3157
  • Fixed messageSerialization test in GenericMessageTest #3156

:beetle: Bug Fixes

  • Gracefully await queries in progress in the #3176
  • [#3171] Set for every type in the #3173
  • Polymorphic aggregate cannot be instantiated using #3171

:hammer_and_wrench: Dependency Upgrade

  • Upgrade Axon Server Connector for Java dependency to 2024.1.1 #3178

:heart: Contributors

We’d like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!