Axon 4.5-SNAPSHOT jars released on

Hi everyone,

I’m super happy to let you know that as of recently the builds for Axon Framework and all extensions have been configured to automatically publish SNAPSHOT artefacts to Sonatype’s public snapshots repository.

Releasing SNAPSHOTS regularly give both you and AxonIQ the following benefits:

  • Test your systems with the very latests changes in the framework and prepare for upgrades early
  • Report bugs early so they can be fixed before the official release
  • Report concerns, suggest improvements, discuss alternative approaches, … to upcoming framework/extension changes that significantly impact your system(s)

To use the SNAPSHOTs, you need to configure your build:

Configure Maven
    <!-- your other repos -->
Configure Gadle
repositories {
    maven {
        url ""
        mavenContent {
   // your other repos 

and then change the dependenc(y/ies) version(s) to the respective snapshot.

Happy coding everyone!
Oh and (perhaps needless to say but still) use caution while playing with the cutting edge :wink:

Apparently extensions’ snapshots are not yet automatically published. Above I was actually mentally referring to “modules” and not “extensions”. I’ll update you with the status of the extensions soon.

And now the extension SNAPSHOTs are published too :tada:!
Let me know if something is missing.