We have issue from the Consumer side when we give an initial segment count more than one. Event handlers missing some of the messages from Kafka. Currently, Kafka has 50 partitions.
I have debugged it by publishing 5 messages and in a single instance of the consumer with 2 segments then while polling eventStream.hasNextAvailable() is returning false and buffer.poll(timeout, unit) returning null after getting 2 or 3 messages. So it missing at least 1 each time.
Fifty segments and threads is a very, very large amount.
Not trying to be offensive here, but the chances are very slim you actually need that much work going on at the same time.
On the other note, it is good to know that the Kafka extension is not out of beta yet.
Thus, some bugs can be expected. If you find something promising, I would kindly ask you if you can file an issue for it on the Kafka Extension GitHub page.
If you want a more thorough solution fo dispatching events without bugs, I would highly recommend giving Axon Server a try.
That’s my two cents to the situation.
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