Axon 3.0 Release Candidate 1 available

We’re proud to announce that the 3.0 release has reached an important milestone: the first release candidate is now available for download from Maven Central. All the major features that we want to include in the 3.0 release have been implemented.

Axon 3 brings a large number of API improvements over version 2. Aggregates and Sagas, for example, do not need to extend any Axon classes anymore. Configuration can be declaratively set up using the Configuration API and even automatically using the Spring Boot Starter modules.

We’ve also included some simplifications of the infrastructure required. For example, if you use Event Sourcing, your Event Store may also serve as the Event Bus. Event handlers can be configured as ‘subscribing’, receiving events from when they occur, but also ‘tracking’, where the events are read from the event store. The processor keeps track of the events it processed using a Tracking Token. After reboot, it will automatically continue where it left off. Tracking Processors also allow for replays, simply by dropping its data and tracking token.

The maven coordinates for this release are:
groupId: org.axonframework
artifactId: axon-core / axon-test, etc
version: 3.0-RC1

We are confident that Axon 3 is another step forward to developing CQRS based applications on the JVM as simple as possible. We look forward to any feedback you may have.

The Axon Framework team