"AggregateIdentifier is unknown" while loading from the aggregare reposity

I’m trying to integrate Axon 2 on a JHipster POC project.
The code was working fine within a SpringBoot project and a JdbcEventRepositiory.
I moved everything inside the JHipster project and changed the JdbcEventReposity with a JpaEventRepository and now when I execute the statement


I receive the error “AggregateIdentifier is unknown”.

More details are available below…

Any help will be appreciated.

Kind regards,


2017-07-17 16:26:08.687 DEBUG 42541 — [ XNIO-2 task-2] o.a.unitofwork.NestableUnitOfWork : Registering Unit Of Work as CurrentUnitOfWork
2017-07-17 16:26:11.300 DEBUG 42541 — [ XNIO-2 task-2] org.hibernate.SQL : select snapshotev0_.event_identifier as col_0_0_, snapshotev0_.aggregate_identifier as col_1_0_, snapshotev0_.sequence_number as col_2_0_, snapshotev0_.time_stamp as col_3_0_, snapshotev0_.payload_type as col_4_0_, snapshotev0_.payload_revision as col_5_0_, snapshotev0_.payload as col_6_0_, snapshotev0_.meta_data as col_7_0_ from snapshot_event_entry snapshotev0_ where snapshotev0_.aggregate_identifier=? and snapshotev0_.type=? order by snapshotev0_.sequence_number DESC limit ?
Hibernate: select snapshotev0_.event_identifier as col_0_0_, snapshotev0_.aggregate_identifier as col_1_0_, snapshotev0_.sequence_number as col_2_0_, snapshotev0_.time_stamp as col_3_0_, snapshotev0_.payload_type as col_4_0_, snapshotev0_.payload_revision as col_5_0_, snapshotev0_.payload as col_6_0_, snapshotev0_.meta_data as col_7_0_ from snapshot_event_entry snapshotev0_ where snapshotev0_.aggregate_identifier=? and snapshotev0_.type=? order by snapshotev0_.sequence_number DESC limit ?
2017-07-17 16:26:11.306 DEBUG 42541 — [ XNIO-2 task-2] org.hibernate.SQL : select domaineven0_.event_identifier as col_0_0_, domaineven0_.aggregate_identifier as col_1_0_, domaineven0_.sequence_number as col_2_0_, domaineven0_.time_stamp as col_3_0_, domaineven0_.payload_type as col_4_0_, domaineven0_.payload_revision as col_5_0_, domaineven0_.payload as col_6_0_, domaineven0_.meta_data as col_7_0_ from domain_event_entry domaineven0_ where domaineven0_.aggregate_identifier=? and domaineven0_.type=? and domaineven0_.sequence_number>=? order by domaineven0_.sequence_number ASC limit ?
Hibernate: select domaineven0_.event_identifier as col_0_0_, domaineven0_.aggregate_identifier as col_1_0_, domaineven0_.sequence_number as col_2_0_, domaineven0_.time_stamp as col_3_0_, domaineven0_.payload_type as col_4_0_, domaineven0_.payload_revision as col_5_0_, domaineven0_.payload as col_6_0_, domaineven0_.meta_data as col_7_0_ from domain_event_entry domaineven0_ where domaineven0_.aggregate_identifier=? and domaineven0_.type=? and domaineven0_.sequence_number>=? order by domaineven0_.sequence_number ASC limit ?
2017-07-17 16:26:12.923 DEBUG 42541 — [ XNIO-2 task-2] o.a.repository.LockingRepository : Exception occurred while trying to load an aggregate. Releasing lock.

org.axonframework.domain.AggregateIdentifierNotInitializedException: AggregateIdentifier is unknown in […ao.lotto.LottoAO]. Make sure the Aggregate Identifier is initialized before registering events.
at org.axonframework.domain.AbstractAggregateRoot.getEventContainer(AbstractAggregateRoot.java:174)
at org.axonframework.domain.AbstractAggregateRoot.initializeEventStream(AbstractAggregateRoot.java:145)
at org.axonframework.eventsourcing.AbstractEventSourcedAggregateRoot.initializeState(AbstractEventSourcedAggregateRoot.java:70)
at org.axonframework.eventsourcing.EventSourcingRepository.doLoad(EventSourcingRepository.java:177)
at org.axonframework.eventsourcing.EventSourcingRepository.doLoad(EventSourcingRepository.java:56)
at org.axonframework.repository.AbstractRepository.load(AbstractRepository.java:76)
at org.axonframework.repository.LockingRepository.load(LockingRepository.java:102)
at org.axonframework.repository.AbstractRepository.load(AbstractRepository.java:86)
at org.axonframework.repository.AbstractRepository.load(AbstractRepository.java:39)


This is the Axon’s configuration:


@EntityScan(basePackageClasses = {Lotto.class, DomainEventEntry.class})
public class AxonConfiguration {
    private EntityManager entityManager;
    private DataSource dataSource;

    private PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager;

    public Serializer serializer() {
        return new JacksonSerializer();

    public EventBus eventBus() {
        return new SimpleEventBus();

    public TransactionManager axonTransactionManager() {
        return new SpringTransactionManager(transactionManager);

    public CommandBus commandBus() {
        SimpleCommandBus commandBus = new SimpleCommandBus();
        commandBus.setHandlerInterceptors(Arrays.asList(new BeanValidationInterceptor()));
        return commandBus;

    public EntityManagerProvider entityManagerProvider() {
        return new SimpleEntityManagerProvider(entityManager);


    public EventStore eventStore() {
        return new JpaEventStore(entityManagerProvider());

    public DefaultCommandGateway defaultCommandGateway() {
        return new DefaultCommandGateway(commandBus());

    public Repository<LottoAO> lottoAORepository() {
        EventSourcingRepository<LottoAO> repository = new EventSourcingRepository<>(LottoAO.class, eventStore());
        return repository;

    public Repository<SpedizioneAO> spedizioneAORepository() {
        EventSourcingRepository<SpedizioneAO> repository = new EventSourcingRepository<>(SpedizioneAO.class, eventStore());
        return repository;


This is the relevant part of the aggregate:


Hello Giancarlo,

when loading an aggregate (or when creating a new one) the first Event that is applied on the aggregate must set the @AggregateIdentifier annotated field to a non-null value. In your case, it seems to be the CreaLottoEvent that should do this. Your code snippets don’t show the methods of the aggregate, but I assume you apply() this event in the constructor that is used by the @CommandHandler?

Also, make sure that the CreaLottoEvent is indeed always the first event. If another events comes first, it may be the case that the aggregate identifier is not set by that Event Handler, causing this exception.



Hi Allard,
today I resumed the work on that project but the problem is not present anymore.
Honestly I don’t understand how this could be possible, but today everything seems to work correctly.

Thank you very much for your help.
