2.3.1 and 2 release notes

Hi Allard et al.

I’m coming back to Axon for some more testings and hopefully to decide if we’re going to use it or not. So for now I have 2 questions.

  • I see 2.3.1 was released and that I can actually build with 2.3.2, so I assume it’s close to release. Where can I find the release notes (I did look at Github)
  • Is there something new or noteworthy in this releases

and a bonus question :slight_smile:

  • Is the November 27th-28th training still on?



Axon 2.3.2 has already been released (http://www.axonframework.org/news/axon-2-3-2-released/). You can find the link to the release notes there as well.

The November 27 training was cancelled, because the trainer (me) isn’t available on that date. The next public training is planned for March. If you’re planning to attend the training with a number of people, please do let me know, so we can arrange something.



Hi, thanks for your quick reply, I’m going to check what’s new. Regarding the training it would probably be just me, and March is too far away for us. The application, that is in a very early phase of development, so to speak, is schedule to be live in (please don’t laugh) February…


Hi Allard, I checked here and as I expected the March date is a no-go for us. Any change of having a session earlier, hopefully in November or december the latest?
