Using QueryGateway with Axon framework without Axon server

For a little scenario of two micro services with a database event store, would it be possible to use QueryHandlers and QueryGateway without the Axon server?

Thank you

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Not at this moment, as the only distributed query bus that’s out is using Axon Server. Implementing a distributed query bus using something else is possible, but that’s quite some work.

Hi Gerard,
Thank you very much for the quick response.
Can we use the free Axon server in Production only as a query gateway?

Thank you

Hi @mantzge, yes that would be possible but be aware of:

  • Be sure to configure it correctly, as Axon Server is the default you might not want events and/or snapshots to end up there.
  • Axon Server SE can only run as a single instance, which might be less than ideal for production. While if you would use Axon Server EE, you likely want to use it as an event store as well.

Hi Gerard,
Thank you very much for the feedback!