Auction Sample Issue: Some Tests Fail on Windows

Hi Michael,

please read in-line:

creating a model is just a series of commands that
lead to events stored in the event source.

Great! If Meta-CQRS is going to use the event-sourcing
version of of CQRS, then the needed input I'm talking
about can be simply a file with each line representing
a serialized text-based version of an event. A simple
utility can read the file line-by-line and re-play the
event so at the end, we end up with the meta-model.
I think generating the lines (representing the events)
for me is even simpler that generating an XML files.

I thought about adding a list of custom tags that
could be attached to any level of Meta Objects
(commands, events, properties...). This way you could
add any information that is useful later in the
generation process.

Wow! I was about to write my second wish item:

  Please allow adding user-defined custom fields to
  the Meta-CQRS domain-objects.

Thanks you. Your approach is real good.