async Command Bus - Command Executed executed Not ordered

trying send command to async command bus with 


The async command bus doesn’t guarantee ordering, indeed. To make sure a command is handled after another, dispatch it in the ‘onSuccess’ invocation of the callback of the first command.



Dear Allard,

tq for guideline… i’m changed saga to use callback on dispatch command for same aggregateid…

anw for concurent assec on aggregate with async command bus, *Pessimistic Locking is already on repository right as (*EventSourcingRepository is extended of LockingRepository) ?


yes, all access to aggregates using the Axon-provided repositories is guarded by a pessimistic lock (by default). So you do not need to worry about concurrent access there.



dear Allard,

is this applied on concurent access to saga with same sagaId to ?

Yes, it is.

nicee :D…

tq allard :slight_smile: